‘Qui Facit, Creat’

The artwork ‘Qui Facit, Creat’ is the end result of the creative process that led to the printing of Does’s first publication, titled ‘Qui Facit, Creat’. The book intends to showcase the evolution of Does’s style by displaying a selection of Does’s work over the past few years and the finished work “Qui Facit, Creat” marks the result of this “style evolution” up until 2016.

The artwork as a whole can be broken down into 56 unique pieces. Each piece was painted directly onto the lid of a box that was especially designed to store 1 out of the 56 Deluxe Edition books.


The title ‘Qui Facit, Creat’ is Latin for ‘He who does creates’.


Size: 161 x 252 cm

Size per piece: 23 x 31.5 cm

Year: 2016

Medium: Mixed media on paper


The book ‘Qui Facit, Creat’ is available in the webshop


Photos by Stephan Polman


8th of September, 2016