Interview Autopsiart

Check out this interview with Does on Autopsiart or see the Q&A’s below. 


What can you tell us about the letters D, O, E and S?

These letters are the foundation for all of my work.


Your logo represents…

My logo represents the Letter D, first letter of my name DOES.


We recognized you for your choice of colors, clean style and eye for detail. Do you find your inspiration in the classic painting, 3D paintings, modern architecture?

I find my inspiration in many things. Traveling is still the best source of inspiration.


Did you prefer a career as an artist over a career as a professional soccer player?

If I hadn’t been forced to stop due the injuries, I think I would have played professional until about 35. That is the typical age for football players to « retire ». If this had been the course of my life, football would have probably consumed most of my time and I would definitely not have been able to develop my skills as an artist to the point where I am today.


‘He who does creates’. What does it mean?

It has to do with my mentality. I am a do-er.


When you paint, do you think of anyone?

When I paint I am super focused and I think about the work that I’m creating, nothing else.


In September you participated in the underground effect festival in Paris. What was your experience?

I had a great time in Paris. I will be back mid December to paint at Molitor.


Do you think that it’s easier for graphic designers or illustrators to become street artists? I ask you this question, because many street artists are illustrators or graphic designers.

I don’t think so, I think hard work and passion in whatever you do is key.


Amongst all of your works, what is the one that is most important to you emotionally?

Probably a wall that I painted for my first solo exhibition in Sydney, Australia. When I painted this wall it felt as a turning point in my carreer.


Are there any artists that you would like to collaborate with?

Yes, I’m always open to explore new and interesting collaborations.


‘Qui Facit, Creat’ is the book you published in April 2017. How was this project born?

The book intends to showcase the evolution of my style by displaying a selection of my work over the past years and the finished work ‘Qui Facit, Creat’ marks the result of this style evolution up until 2016.

This year in October I published a new book ‘First 20 Years’. With this book I wanted to celebrate a 20 year evolution of dedication to style. It is a very personal story as the book is filled with unreleased sketches, stories and drawings.


What do you think about the role of artists in our society?

I feel that the whole movement is stronger than ever and I believe that the murals that are being painted worldwide stimulate and motivate a lot of people in our communities. Friends of mine just launched a new app, Street Art Cities, a platform to discover all murals worldwide. They are growing super fast as hunters are uploading new murals onto this platform daily. This really shows how people around the globe admire the energy our colors bring to many cities.


What should I do if I would like Does to paint a wall in my home?

You can contact me via email or get in touch via my social media channels: instagram or facebook


What is the question I haven’t asked that you would like to answer?

Feel free to ask me anything via

13th of December, 2017