Bogota, Colombia

Two weeks ago I was in Colombia, where I visited the biggest HipHop festival in South America. “HipHop Al Parque”: 6 days of hardcore hiphop music, 50.000 visitors, tense atmosphere and lots of security. Together with 9 other writers from Argentine, Venezuela and the UK I painted a wall at this festival.

I travelled with my LoveLetters crew mate Chas. The other invited artists were Sune, Jaer, Rocket1 (UK), Senk (Venezuela) and Nerf (Argentina). Besides the festival project we also painted on the streets of Bogota – truly a writers paradise! Our mission was to colour the streets of Bogota and we succeeded.
One of the most amazing experiences was our paint-job in the ghettos of Bogota: Las Cruzas. Police escorted us into the ghetto where we were able to do a wall while the police watched our safety and admired our work. Meanwhile lots of kids gathered to watch us. Most of them seemed to be truly interested, while some tried to steel your cans or your bag.
We slept in a huge and fancy hotel with soldiers with guns standing in front of the building. This was also the hotel where the Escobar family was hiding during Pablo Escobar’s last days.

In short: a great experience!

all the nice people who made this week so special: Sune, Rocket and Jaer from England, Nerf from Argentina, Senk from Venezuela and all the local heroes..Extra thanks go out to: Src, Shaday, Ecks, Caz2 and Yurika

24th of August, 2009

Bogota, Colombia

110321,  Bogotá

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