About Vegas

Working around the clock in extreme circumstances to finish four walls in twelve days for project Mural Oasis. That’s about the summary of my trip to the Mojave Desert, Las Vegas.



Luke Shirlaw (Artillery Projects) for Mural Oasis, Primm, Nevada - Project produced by The Mural Co


Mural Oasis is the creation of a large museum-like gallery of 126 murals throughout the shopping mall ‘The Fashion Outlets of Las Vegas’. Around thirty artists will show their skills and attend the project in three phases. This was Phase II.


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What intrigues me about the project is that street art is served to a wide public in a very easy accessible way. I notice that the artform is becoming more and more accepted and projects like this give artists a stage for their work in a prominent location without compromising their work. Styles varied from graffiti to realistic and more graphic. The organization of the project by The Mural Co. was superb!


During this travel I was accompanied by RayGeorge who caught every moment on camera. Through his outstanding shots and videos I was able to give you a day-to-day insight in this trip and my work. From recaps of creating each piece to catching the atmosphere of Las Vegas’ dusty and trembling hot desert environment. For almost two weeks I stayed indoors, devoid of daylight, with the noise of the extraction system pounding over my head. In these circumstances I am on top of my game. Focused, withdrawn in my creative bubble. Grand Canyon awakened me. This vast place of emptiness blew me away with its stunning beauty.




Check out the extended videos of my trip to Las Vegas via our Youtube Channel! Thanks RayGeorge for the recordings; more cooperation will follow.


Photographs by ScottRayGeorge and Luke Shirlaw (Artillery Projects)

About Vegas

89019,  Sandy Valley
NevadaVerenigde Staten

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