Leaving smiles behind in Miami

In December DOES travelled to Miami where the Miami Art Basel took place. Besides exposing the complete ‘BRIQUE’ sculptures collection DOES engaged in the painting of several walls. One of these murals was a collaboration with artist RISK.


DOES’ first ever book on graffiti is Spraycan Art. Published in 1987 it documents the initial stages of the worldwide spread of New York City Subway graffiti style and subculture. RISK is one of the artists whose work was presented in this book. Being a pioneer and respected artist it was a great pleasure and honor collaborating for a second time with RISK in Miami.


Colors and style of both artists complement each other seamless as RISKs colorful and illuminate background is embellished with DOES’ writings and eye for detail. Other artists engaged in this cooperation are Mobe, OGSlick and Kwest.


Watch the video to see the realization of this collaboration! 




Check video HERE


Photography by Scottraygeorge

31st of March, 2020

Leaving smiles behind in Miami

33127,  Miami
FloridaUnited States

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