Fired away

In the land of contrasts, China, DOES attended the Festival Wallskar. Bringing bright and joyous colours to the everyday peasant life in the village of Luowen. Being the first graffiti village in Hunan Province, referred to as the New Countryside, streets, houses, walls, trees, floors and bridges have become the carriers of graffiti. Amid dirtroads with children chasing chickens and local men ploughing their Chinese versions of a vegetable garden, DOES hit the lift spraying his version of feel good on a village wall. Swaggering his creativity while being surrounded by traditional vibes and ancient rituals. In the end fired away by ceremonial fireworks of a nearby funeral. 


Luowen Village staged the festival for the second time. Murals painted by Chinese and international artists from Germany, UK, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, USA, Taiwan and Uruguay overlook the surrounded fields of yellow flowers. Opposites as may seem, street art and countryside go well together in an attempt to bring visitors to this rural part of China. DOES is the first Dutchmen to leave his touch in these fields. 


After a hard day´s work all it took was fifteen minutes to travel back to modern times. Intrigued by the great contrasts from ancient traditions to modernday dedication, DOES would like to thank the organisation and hopes to be back one day.


Photos by BigKang, Gray, Uncle & Weed

Text: #ByFrieda

11th of April, 2018

Fired away

Xing Sheng Zhong Lu
Yiyang Shi
Hunan ShengChina

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