2020 – you opened my eyes

2020 – you opened my eyes
Let’s make this wrap-up of 2020 not about the pandemic. Yes, shows and festivals got cancelled affecting my activities big time. Traveling the world to express myself through my art and share it with people worldwide is a substantial part of my identity as an artist. Not being able to do that was a shocker at first, but ended up being a great opportunity. So, no more mention of it from here. 
Focus and dedication is necessary to achieve ones goals in life and not get distracted along the way. But don’t we all get caught in a tunnel once in a while, not seeing the surroundings and missing the signs? This year forced me to look around for new opportunities. And what I saw widened my view.
Seeing my two kids starting to create collages when they were cutting up paper and pasting it onto other pieces of paper, while asking me to assist them with the glue, planted the seeds for new inspired work. I really enjoyed working with a different medium and I foresee working with new shapes and different color schemes in the near future.
When I felt the urge to get out and do something quick, something effortless, to release some tension and feel the rush of the streets, I took the moment to go back to my roots. Making pieces out there like in the old days gave me a sense of freedom, re-connecting with myself and finding answers to the unknown. My desire to create is not easy to tame and I was lucky enough to travel to Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Antwerp in Belgium for murals high and wide. I also painted over one of my old pieces somewhere in Europe. Not to be stopped by the occasional critical passer-by, but instead sending positive vibes into the world through colors and energy celebrating imperfection as a source of inspiration.
You know what they say… the show must go on. Since all shows but one got cancelled, I decided to bring the show to you. This year I opened DOES GALLERY, an online gallery that makes artwork available straight from the studio as the paint has yet to dry. We turned my home studio into a multifunctional space – half studio, half gallery – with an official gallery wall to present the latest work right into your home.  The reviews are superb and I feel thankful for those visiting the gallery every day!
And to confirm that possibilities are endless if you’re willing to see beyond, we did finally come together and connect through art during the duo show in ArtCan Gallery in Paris featuring a collection of artwork from Markus Genesius/WOW123 and myself called ‘Aesthetics’.
2021, I am ready to harvest. Remember, there is always a way…
Thanks to all supporters, followers and collectors: stay safe, sane and happy!
And many thanks to my incredible team for your dedication and energy.
30th of December, 2020